Thursday, September 11, 2008

Life With High Tech Vinyl and Building Permits

Howdy faithful readers,

I write to you from behind a stack of vintage records that is slowly burying my computer. Recently I saw an old friend who told me he had a record player that could make CD copies of vinyl albums. Now the rest of the world probably heard about this about 15 years ago, but I thought it was hot shit. So a few days ago I ordered an Audio Technica AT-LP2DUSB LP-to-Digital Recording System off amazon. The thang plays records right into a compu-tater via USB cable. Since I have a Mac equipped with iTunes, the application is real simple. So here I am playing Rolling Stones, Commander Cody, and Firesign Theater LP's into my desktop. Then I can make CD's and my former record player, which was demented and evil can no longer scratch my records by randomly picking up and dropping the needle all over. The whole shebang cost me about $80, cheap for a decent turntable.

Also, the Department of Buildings and Inspections of the City of Cincinnati has finally seen fit to issue me permits to fix my porch. I am being compelled to do so because (1) it is falling off my house (2) they have threatened to fine me and take me to court if I don't get my shit together. I was surprised to find myself cited for violation of housing code, given that I live in a neighborhood with an ample stock of abandoned and generally shitty houses. Northside, however, is trying desperately to set itself apart from the generally blighted Queen City. The local neighborhood community council called in the Building Department and asked them to bust property owners' (specifically absentee landlords') balls about the state the neighborhood is in. That's what I get for buying a decrepit house in a neighborhood that Wikipedia until recently acknowledged has seen some slight gentrification. I swear it would be easier to live in the 'hood. So I have to start on that tomorrow. I hope I can get it done before it gets too cold to pour cement.

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