Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Its still almost Spring

Howdy readers,

i write to you from the dying pangs of winter. It was 17 degrees last night in cincinnati and lemme tell ya - that makes for a cold ride on a motorcycle. Unfortunately I am saddled with such in cold weather because the diesel 89 jetta I bought does get 45 MPG, but also refuses to start if the block heater is left unplugged for more than 4 hours when the temperature is below 40.

Its always somethin'.

Somtimes ya can't win for losin'.

I am tryin desperately to get outta school. I have to finish my quarter (March 20 here I come!!!!) and then take one class next quarter. And then FREEEDOM!!!

(Think braveheart.)

I have just returned from a grad school Open House event at a nearby Research One/ land grant institution. It was really interesting....

For starters I was introduced to all the faculty by their first names and had to be told repeatedly to call them by such. I had to fight the reflex to adress them as Dr. SoAndSo. And everyone was incredibly friendly! It seemed like a great place. I have been accepted, but am still awaiting a funding offer. I was told that if I can't get a fellowship they will pay to be a T.A.

I can't believe this is finally happening for me. I have spent so many years sacrificing so much to try to get through undergrad. And now I face the prospect of being paid to go to school for free to do research as a grad student, and hopefully beyond that to a job as a professor.

They say the Lord works in small miracles.

I applied to 9 grad schools, got rejected from 3, accepted into 1 and am awaiting word from the remaining 5. We shall see what transpires.

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